
Digital guidance to medical guidelines

Headache Calendar

The headache calendar is an app available on the iOS AppStore and Google Play.

It makes it easy for the patient to register their headache every day, and get an overview of their own headache development.

The data is not identifiable, is not stored in the tool and is handled in accordance with the GDPR regulations.

Data kan enkelt importeres i MEDGuideline Hodepine og viser hva pasienten har registrert. Vi arbeider for tiden med CE-merking av dette verktøyet. 

For spørsmål ta kontakt:

Our guides


About. 15 per cent of women and 7 per cent of men in Norway have migraine. About 20 percent experience one or more migraine attacks during their lifetime.

Under development


Is considered by the WHO as the world's third most deadly disease. The main problem with the disease is significant under-diagnosis and under-treatment. In Norway, about 300,000 people have a COPD.


This is the most common chronic disease in children, and very common in adults as well. (About 5%)


Under development

Blood pressure

High blood pressure is a common health problem among adult Norwegians, and more than 100,000 use high blood pressure medication in Norway.

Under development

Heart failure

Heart failure is a condition where the heart no longer manages to pump blood properly, because the muscle has become too stiff or weak to pump effectively. In Norway, over 100,000 people suffer from heart failure.

Under development


About 50% of women and 20% of men over the age of 50 experience a bone fracture due to brittle bones.

Under development


In Norway, it was estimated in 2017 that around 245,000 people (4.7 per cent of the population) have been diagnosed with diabetes. Of these, up to 90 percent have type 2 diabetes.

Under development


Pain is the most common cause of patients seeking health care. Almost 50% of adults who visit a doctor do so because of pain. As many as 40% have been in pain for more than three months.

Under development

About MEDGuideline

Doctors have to deal with several 1,000 pages of guidelines, which are updated at regular intervals. With such a flow of information, it becomes very difficult to stay up-to-date.

Our guides enable the doctor to stay up-to-date and learn about the guidelines for selected diseases. After guidance, they can independently make diagnoses and decide on the best treatment options.  


Medical guidelines are regularly updated and increase in scope in line with international research. Our guides are developed and maintained by professionals and will always be up to date.


We attach great importance to ease of use and. The supervisors follow a systematic review, where the doctor is guided and trained through all steps in an intuitive way. All important parameters are taken into account in the doctor's independent assessment.


Medguideline is neutral to all players in the market and shows all treatment options in a similar way.
på en lik måte.

There was almost a hallelujah feeling in the college when the guide was presented and reviewed.
So easy to use, and so user friendly!

Øyvind Øygard SkodvinGeneral Practitioner

In collaboration with:

MEDguideline Kols

MEDGuideline Kols er utviklet av lungelegene Bernt Aarli og Bjarte Nore i Bergen for å hjelpe bruker å forstå de norske og de internasjonale kolsretningslinjene. Kols er hyppig forekommende og av WHO regnet som verdens 3. mest dødlige sykdom.



MEDGuideline Kols er en nøytral tjeneste, og har blitt til ved støtte fra Innovasjon Norge, samt Extrastiftelsen via LHL. Siden retter seg mot allmennpraktikere. Vi minner om at diagnostisering og behandling av pasienter alltid skal utføres av lege på selvstendig grunnlag og at det alltid må brukes klinisk skjønn. All bruk av veilederen skjer på eget ansvar.



MEDGuideline Kols er basert på:

  • De internasjonale GOLD 2023 retningslinjene [1]
  • Den reviderte norske kolsveilederen [2]
  • Blåreseptforskriften [3]




  1. Global Strategy for the Diagnosis, Management and Prevention of COPD, Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) 2019.
  2. Gulsvik A, Lund J, Austegard E, Henrichsen SH, Langhammer A, Refvem OK, Castle NM, Frisk B. Nasjonal faglig retningslinje og veileder for forebygging, diagnostisering og oppfølging av personer med kols: Helsedirektoratet; 2012.
  3. Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet. Forskrift om stønad til dekning av utgifter til viktige legemidler mv. (blåreseptforskriften)  FOR-2007-06-28-814.